The U.S. Department of Transportation has created a new center to help reconnect communities that were harmed, isolated and cut off from opportunity by transportation infrastructure.

The Reconnecting Communities Institute offers support to grantees and prospective grantees of the Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program to strengthen local capacity in planning and implementing innovative community reconnection projects.

Communities and organizations that have received an RCP Program grant or identified a need to address the negative impacts of transportation infrastructure can use an online form to express interest in support from the RCI.

The RCI will host two webinars to provide a program overview, introduce the RCI team, explain how to request support, and answer audience questions. Attendees of “RCI: How We Can Help” will learn about the flexible, tailored and free assistance available to RCP Program grantees and prospective grantees.

The webinars will be held on Sept. 26, 1-2 p.m. (register here), and Oct. 8, 3-4 p.m. (register here). Recordings of the webinars will be made available on the RCI website.

The RCI strives to host inclusive and accessible events, and captions will be provided. For questions or to request accommodations, contact
