Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The MMA’s MunEnergy program will hold a free, one-hour meeting via Zoom on April 2 to provide timely information about the MunEnergy program, the impacts of weather on energy, what federal executive orders mean for energy, and more. Zoom registration is required for the meeting, which will begin at noon. The MMA formed the MunEnergy…
Christopher Wilcock, chief of the Division of Local Services’ Bureau Local Assessment and a former assessor, will lead a practical and informative MMA webinar for municipal managers and mayors about assessing operations on April 3. Assessing offices are responsible for more than property valuations; they’re also involved in processes that impact the bottom-line of municipal…
The MMA’s Virtual Municipal Leadership Academy is offering a professional development webinar — “Managing for Excellent Performance” — that will be held three times, on March 25, April 8 and April 15, from noon to 2 p.m. Performance management is often seen as simply conducting annual performance reviews and addressing poor performance, but it actually…
This webinar was rescheduled from an original date in February. If you were previously registered, you will be automatically signed up for the rescheduled webinar time. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. The MMA will host a webinar on April 9 covering strategies to help municipal leaders launch and run…
The Massachusetts Municipal Management Association and Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources will hold their annual joint meeting on April 10 at Lake Pearl in Wrentham. The agenda will feature a “Psychological First Aid” training led by Liisa Jackson, director-coordinator with the Medical Reserve Corps. Participants will learn how to provide initial emotional support to individuals experiencing…
The MMA’s Virtual Municipal Leadership Academy is offering a professional development webinar — “Managing for Excellent Performance” — that will be held three times, on March 25, April 8 and April 15, from noon to 2 p.m. Performance management is often seen as simply conducting annual performance reviews and addressing poor performance, but it actually…
The MMA will host an introductory webinar on artificial intelligence for municipalities on April 17. The webinar is designed for anyone interested in beginning to use AI in their work. Serena Sacks-Mandel, field chief technology officer at MGT, will provide an introduction to artificial intelligence and the opportunities it presents for municipalities. Sacks-Mandel will discuss…
An MMA webinar on April 30 will introduce municipal leaders to the Office of the Veteran Advocate, an independent state agency established in late 2023. Led by Bob Notch, a retired U.S. Army colonel, the OVA is tasked with ensuring that veterans under the care of the Commonwealth receive dignified treatment and access to all…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association’s annual Rural and Western Massachusetts Conference, to be held on Saturday, May 3, in Holyoke, will focus on helping small and rural towns put ideas into action. Becky McCray, a speaker and facilitator with expertise in rural and small town development topics, will present an interactive session on building “idea…
The MMA will host a webinar, “Demystifying DEI,” on May 6 to provide clarity on the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion. Diversity, equity and inclusion are interconnected values that show up in our daily lives whether we realize it or not, and these values can be intentionally integrated within municipal work. While a recent…
On May 12, the MMA will host a webinar on leveraging arts and culture activities to aid in substance use prevention and recovery. Representatives from the town of Franklin, the Mass Cultural Council, and Art Pharmacy will discuss how communities can use their opioid settlement funds for prevention and recovery services through arts-based “social prescribing”…