Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Massachusetts Hydrography Framework Committee is seeking municipal leaders to participate in its work to create “next generation hydrographic spatial data.”
The committee is responsible for designing and implementing data governance standards, processes, best practices, and data-sharing agreements specific to hydrography geospatial data.
The collaborative is looking to expand municipal representation, and is open to representation from state, regional and local governments, as well as federal agencies, private industry, academia and nonprofits. The group is also open to conservation commissioners.
Last year, Massachusetts partnered with Maine, Vermont, Connecticut and Rhode Island on an application through the U.S. Geological Survey’s 3D National Hydrography Program to develop improved hydrography data. The states are looking to create three-dimensional, networked hydrography datasets for more than 30 watersheds.
The project’s watersheds either partly or completely located in Massachusetts include the Upper Deerfield River, Middle Deerfield River, North River, Green River, Lower Deerfield River, Mill River/Connecticut River, Scantic River, Upper Blackstone River, and Lower Blackstone River.
The new hydrography data would enhance the group’s understanding of environmental protection issues, stormwater management, and transportation planning. The group expects to hear about its application this spring.
The new hydrography dataset would have the essential USGS hydrography elements, including rivers, streams, lakes and ponds, but the New England group is also working to add enhancements to allow for a deeper understanding of the Commonwealth’s water and drainage system.
The New England group is also discussing the completion of additional watersheds that cross state boundaries, using the 3DHP standard.
In a pilot project, Massachusetts will evaluate additional enhancements, including wetlands delineation and stormwater drainage in the North Nashua Watershed, to better understand how those enhancements can be used to protect residents and the environment.
The group holds its meetings on Teams (MS365). Officials interested in getting involved can complete an online form.
For more information about the committee, contact Tom Mueller, MassGIS deputy director, at Thomas.R.Mueller@mass.gov.