Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The MMA’s MunEnergy program will hold a free, one-hour meeting via Zoom on April 2 to provide timely information about the MunEnergy program, the impacts of weather on energy, what federal executive orders mean for energy, and more.
Zoom registration is required for the meeting, which will begin at noon.
The MMA formed the MunEnergy program in 1998 to help Massachusetts cities, towns and government entities stabilize energy costs and simplify energy management. MunEnergy provides valuable resources to cities and towns, including a unique municipal contract, energy experts who provide information and answer questions, and a focus on sustainability solutions.
Local officials can receive the latest energy information from the MMA, as well as invitations to MunEnergy webinars, by sending their energy contact information to energy@mma.org.
For more about MunEnergy, visit www.mma.org/munenergy or contact MMA Deputy Executive Director Katie McCue at kmccue@mma.org or 617-426-7272, ext. 111.