The Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation will host a free webinar on Oct. 19 to explore national migration trends and assess their impact on Massachusetts.

“Massachusetts at a Time of Transition and Competition” will feature a presentation by Asia Biernacka-Lievestro, a demographics expert at the Pew State Fiscal Health Project.

The presentation will be followed by a moderated discussion with Tech Foundry CEO Tricia Canavan, Bunker Hill Community College President Pam Eddinger, and Boston Indicators Executive Director Luc Schuster. The discussion, moderated by Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation President Doug Howgate, will give an overview of how national patterns of movement affect the state, while also thinking through how public policy can be a tool for reducing out-migration and compensating for its impacts.

The Zoom webinar will run from 10 to 11 a.m. Click here to register online.
