A free MMA webinar will review common themes of policing reform, as well as the charge of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission. Speakers from the POST Commission will be Executive Director Enrique Zuniga (left) and Communications Director Cindy Campbell (right).

A free MMA webinar on Dec. 12 will review common themes of policing reform, as well as the charge of the Peace Officer Standards and Training Commission.

Panelists will discuss the commission’s recent collaboration with the Municipal Police Training Committee and the latest agency milestones, including the release of disciplinary records. Key provisions for appointing authorities and priorities for the upcoming year will also be discussed.

Speakers from the POST Commission will be Executive Director Enrique Zuniga and Communications Director Cindy Campbell.

The hour-long webinar will begin at noon. Appointed and elected municipal officials are asked to register online.

The first POST webinar, “Peace Officer Standards and Training: What Municipalities Need to Know,” was held on Dec. 7, 2022, and is available online.

For more information, contact MMA Education and Training Coordinator Lily Rancatore at lrancatore@mma.org.
