The MMA has sent its Chapter 90 Local Road Funding Survey to chief municipal officials and public works and highway department officials in all 351 Massachusetts cities and towns.

The survey asks communities what it would cost each year to keep local roads in a state of good repair.

Securing adequate funding for the Chapter 90 local roads program is a top priority for the MMA and municipal leaders across the Commonwealth. As the MMA looks to January and a new legislative session, it is preparing a campaign to increase annual Chapter 90 authorizations in fiscal 2019 and beyond to help cities and towns maintain safe local roads and build strong local economies.

As the MMA makes the case to legislators and the public, accurate and up-to-date information is essential to demonstrate the resources needed to maintain local road infrastructure.

Responses to previous Chapter 90 surveys have been crucial in highlighting the condition of local roads and how much funding is needed to properly maintain them. The survey has allowed the MMA and local officials to have a concrete figure to use when lobbying the Legislature for more funding.

More than 90 percent of communities responded to the 2016 survey, and the MMA hopes to achieve a similar response rate this year.

Local officials are urged to return completed surveys as soon as possible to Alandra Champion at, or 1 Winthrop Square, Boston, MA 02110, or by fax to 617-695-1314.

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