The MMA today published the September 2024 issue of The Beacon, which features coverage of the latest news affecting local government on topics including legislative, housing and fiscal issues, grant opportunities, and recent and upcoming MMA meetings and webinars.

Here are some highlights:
• Legislature may still act on some unfinished business
• MMA unveils speakers, logo for Connect 351
• At Connect 351, Gupta to address ‘human energy crisis’
• Connect 351 keynote Lehrman moves leaders ‘from conflict to conversation’
• MMA to hold Legislative Breakfast Meetings in October
• Gov. Healey signs $5.16 billion housing bond bill
• Governor signs FY25 budget with local aid increases
• Budget included concerning tax title changes
• Gov. signs wage equity bill
• Gov. signs law addressing PFAS in firefighter turnout gear

Link to the September 2024 issue of The Beacon (39 pages)

Timely and reliable information is essential to municipal leaders, and the facts are changing quickly. With this in mind, the MMA publishes The Beacon digitally to ensure that we get the very latest information to members as quickly as possible.

Click here to read previous online issues.

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