Rep. Peter Kocot (right) speaks during an MMA Legislative Breakfast Meeting held on March 3 in Greenfield, as Rep. Stephen Kulik listens.
Registration is now open for the MMA’s Fall Legislative Breakfast Meetings, which will be held on Sept. 15, 22 and 29.
Twice a year, the MMA hosts a series of meetings in communities across the state to give local leaders, area legislators, and MMA staff the opportunity to network, exchange information, and discuss issues of importance in state and local government in an informal atmosphere.
The fall breakfasts will be held after a busy summer on Beacon Hill. State officials reported a challenging close to fiscal 2017 and are taking a first look at the stability of the fiscal 2018 budget adopted in July. There are many budget issues to discuss at the federal, state and local level, and the MMA is already looking toward next year’s state budget and local aid plan, which is due in January.
The gatherings are also an opportunity to discuss legislative updates. In July, Gov. Charlie Baker signed revisions to the recreational marijuana law, which will affect how every city and town will deal with legalized marijuana moving forward. The MMA is also following several zoning and housing bills moving through the Legislature.
At each meeting, a continental breakfast will be provided by the MMA at 8 a.m. Introductions will begin at 8:15, followed by presentations and Q&A. The meetings will end by 10 a.m.
While meetings are free to attend, members are asked to pre-register online, by fax, or by mail. Please note: The registration deadline for each meeting is one week prior.
Attendees are urged to contact their local legislators and invite them to attend as well.
Meetings will be held on the following Fridays, from 8 to 10 a.m.:
Sept. 15 –
Details and registration
• Marshfield, School Administration Building, 76 South River St.
• Stockbridge, Town Hall, 50 Main St.
Sept. 22 –
Details and registration
• Northampton, Police Station Community Room, 29 Center St.
• Stow, Pompositticut Community Center, 509 Great Road
Sept. 29 –
Details and registration
• Arlington, Town Hall, 730 Massachusetts Ave.
• Auburn, Town Hall, 104 Central St.
• Rowley, Town Hall, 139 Main St.