Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The MMA and Suffolk University are welcoming the fourth class of MMA-Suffolk Municipal Fellows.
The program, a partnership of the MMA and Suffolk University that launched in 2021, offers significant financial support to municipal professionals to attend the master’s in public administration program at Suffolk’s Sawyer School of Business.
The 2024-2025 MMA-Suffolk Municipal Fellows are:
• Cameron Durant, Human Resources Director in Fairhaven
• Perry Rosenfield, Manager of Financial Planning and Analysis in Newton
The fellows are both graduates of the MMA-Suffolk Certificate in Local Government Leadership and Management program, and were accepted into Suffolk’s MPA program. Each received the support of the chief municipal official in his respective municipality to continue working while attending the program part-time.
The fellowship was highly competitive, and the MMA and Suffolk congratulate the recipients.
Municipal Finance Management Seminar
Applications are being accepted for the fall session of the MMA-Suffolk Municipal Finance Management Seminar.
The five-week finance program, held via Zoom on Fridays, provides an overview of municipal finance in Massachusetts.
Students learn about the structure and purpose of local government, municipal budgeting systems and sources of revenue, financial reporting and record keeping, financial management, principles of property assessment, the intersection of human resources and financial resources, and best practices in local government finance.
The application is available online, and the deadline is July 31.
This is a competitive application process. Applicants will be informed of their status by the end of August.
Municipal Human Resources Seminar
Due to overwhelming demand, the MMA and Suffolk University are planning two sessions of their Municipal Human Resources Seminar for 2025.
The Municipal Human Resources Seminar covers human resources management, policies and practices specific to Massachusetts cities and towns. Topics include hiring and onboarding, benefits administration, policy development, collective bargaining, and employee reviews and evaluations. Students also review relevant labor laws and best practices in municipal human resources management.
The seminar is designed for municipal employees interested in furthering their career in municipal human resources, employees who are new to municipal human resources, and employees who work in a municipal function with human-resources-adjacent tasks.
The fall seminar will be held via Zoom over the course of five Fridays. Dates and applications for the 2025 seminars will be available this fall.
The MMA has partnered with Suffolk University since 2011 to offer programs designed exclusively for municipal employees to help them further their professional careers. For more information on any of the MMA-Suffolk programs, visit mma.org/suffolk or contact Katie McCue at 617-426-7272, ext. 111, or kmccue@mma.org, or Kate Evarts at 617-426-7272, ext. 172, or kevarts@mma.org.