On March 11, the Division of Local Services will hold its annual “Meet DLS” webinar, which is geared toward new local officials but open to all.

During the first half of the presentation, attendees will hear from DLS staff about the agency’s mission and the resources, guidance and information it offers to cities and towns across the Commonwealth.

The second half will offer breakout rooms hosted by the Bureau of Local Assessment, the Bureau of Accounts, and the Financial Management Resource Bureau, who will provide overviews of key concepts and functions that are important to local officials.

Click here to register for the free Zoom webinar.

In advance of the webinar, the DLS suggests that attendees review the following items to better acquaint themselves with the subject matter that will be discussed:
Introduction to DLS: A Youtube video that provides an overview of the agency and the mission of each of its bureaus
City & Town New Officials Edition: An issue of the DLS’s e-newsletter, published last June, that provides an introduction to a variety of municipal finance trainings and resources
Foundations in Municipal Finance for the New Official: A series of virtual training modules that guides participants through a fiscal year
Overview of Municipal Government: A Youtube video covering the responsibilities of local officials and how they interact in managing municipal operations
Proposition 2½: A nine-part video series explaining the basic provisions of the law, a fundamental feature of the Massachusetts municipal fiscal landscape
Teamwork in town government: A web page covering the key players involved in managing a town’s finances and the best practices that are common among fiscally stable communities

Contact dlstraining@dor.state.ma.us with any questions.
