The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center has issued a Draft Program Concept for the Green School Works program and is holding webinars this summer for municipal and school officials and other stakeholders to provide an overview of the program and to solicit feedback and answer questions.

Created as part of the fiscal 2024 state budget, Green School Works will provide financial support to K-12 public schools or districts to install or maintain clean energy infrastructure. Funding will go toward project implementation as well as support for building-specific decarbonization assessments and plans and high-level, district-wide decarbonization planning.

On July 12, the MassCEC posted the draft program concept and request for information on its program web page. The RFI seeks to gauge interest and insight from K-12 school building decarbonization stakeholders on the design of the Green School Works program.

The first of two webinars was held on July 17. The second will be held on July 23 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. (Click here to register.)

According to the MassCEC, the webinar will be particularly helpful for the following stakeholders:
• K-12 school professionals or administrators
• Parents or guardians of K-12 public school students
• School decarbonization advocates
• Municipal officials
• Electrification or decarbonization technical assistance providers or implementers
• General and specialized contractors
• Tax credit experts for public entities

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