The 2024 recipients of the Nancy Galkowski Legacy Fund are (top row l-r) Chelmsford Departmental Support Coordinator Harrison Moyette and Arlington Human Resources Director Caryn Malloy; bottom row (l-r) Longmeadow Finance Director Ian Coddington and Oxford Administrative Assistant Kaitlin Morin.

The Massachusetts Municipal Management Association in June awarded four scholarships from the Nancy Galkowski Legacy Fund.

The recipients are:
• Chelmsford Departmental Support Coordinator Harrison Moyette
• Arlington Human Resources Director Caryn Malloy
• Longmeadow Finance Director Ian Coddington
• Oxford Administrative Assistant Kaitlin Morin

Moyette will take Massachusetts Certified Public Purchasing Official courses. Malloy and Morin are both pursuing professional certification from the Society of Human Resources Management. And Coddington will participate in the five-week MMA-Suffolk Municipal Finance Management Seminar.

Galkowski had a 35-year career in municipal management in Massachusetts and a passion for mentoring younger managers and being of service to her peers. Following her death in 2013, her Management Association colleagues established a fund to honor her memory and continue her legacy.

The fund accepts applications each spring.

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