The town of Sudbury is seeking a full-time Sustainability Coordinator reporting directly to the Town Manager. The Sustainability Coordinator will support the development and implementation of actions, policy, and program decisions to ensure the town of Sudbury is a leader among the Commonwealth in addressing environmental sustainability, including but not limited to: assistance to divisions in the development of resilience and adaptation strategies for the effects of a changing climate; the creation of departmental strategies, goals and benchmarks for mitigating carbon emissions in response to objectives and priorities set by the town and the development and implementation of educational materials and programs that capitalize on the potential of the town of Sudbury’s public-facing sites and programs to raise awareness among our community about environmental sustainability. The primary role of the Sustainability Coordinator will be to direct and coordinate town sustainability actions including, but not limited to, resiliency and climate mitigation and adaptation actions called for in the town’s Master Plan, Hazard Mitigation Plan, and Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Plan.

The Sustainability Coordinator will lead the development, planning, and implementation of initiatives to reduce the town’s ecological footprint, integrate sustainability and resiliency throughout town-wide operations, and protect the long-term well-being of the town and its residents.

Minimum Qualifications: bachelor’s degree in related field; master’s degree or higher preferred. Five years of relevant work experience in independently managing complex projects from start to successful completion; experience developing public education/communication programs related to sustainability, particularly the ability to effectively communicate technical/quantitative information to non-technical audiences.

Candidates must meet minimum requirements contained in job description posted at .

Starting Salary range is $73,336 to $85,509 (DOQ) plus excellent benefits. (Full range to $96,456). Email letter of interest and resume to Resumes accepted until March 19 at noon. Position open until filled. AA/EOE
