Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The city of Lowell is seeking qualified, experienced candidates for the position of Payroll Systems Analyst within the Auditing Department. This position reports to the City Auditor and oversees and maintains the payroll systems for both city and schools; including the maintenance of all payroll and databases; ensures the accurate compilation, analysis, and reporting of payroll data; and establishes and enforces payroll procedures and policies; supervises payroll staff and provides indirect supervision and guidance to decentralized payroll clerical staff and support personnel in all city and school departments. The successful candidate will have at least five years full-time administrative, managerial or professional experience in the field of business administration, benefits, accounting or financial management of which one year is preferred in a supervisory capacity. Demonstrated experience in payroll administration, wage and salary determination and state, federal and local tax withholding requirements. Complete knowledge of Fair Labor Standards Act, Medicare, Social Security Act and other pertinent laws that effect municipal payroll systems. Demonstrated experience using MUNIS payroll required. Salary Range: $110,464.00 (min.) to $123,240.41 (max.) annual. 37.5 hours per week.
Qualified individuals should apply by the deadline of Feb. 27 by submitting cover letter/resume using the city of Lowell job opportunities online portal: cityoflowellma.munisselfservice.com/ess/employmentopportunities/default.aspxEOE/AA/504 Employer