Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Legislature voted unanimously yesterday to approve a $5.2 billion general government bond bill that includes some major investments for municipalities.
Municipal items in the bill (H. 5065) include:
• $30 million for technology grants to municipalities to expand remote or hybrid public meeting accessibility for residents
• $100 million for municipal grants to support a range of local infrastructure improvements and projects
• $84 million to support state matching funds required to secure federal dollars for the Massachusetts State Revolving Fund, which helps cities and towns improve water supply infrastructure and drinking water safety, and to make a $20 million dedicated investment in the Drinking Water Revolving Fund
• $60 million for the Housing Stabilization Fund, which provides funding for municipalities, nonprofits, for-profit developers and local housing authorities in support of affordable rental housing production and rehabilitation
• $50 million for the Cultural Facilities Fund to provide grants for planning, acquisition, rehabilitation and construction of cultural facilities, administered through Massachusetts Cultural Council and MassDevelopment
• $25 million for Housing Choice grants to municipalities that receive a Housing Choice designation