The Healey-Driscoll administration on June 13 released its fiscal 2025-29 Capital Investment Plan, which would allocate $15.6 billion for projects and programs over the next five years, with a focus on housing, economic development, infrastructure and climate resiliency.

The Capital Investment Plan includes more than $3.1 billion in fiscal 2025 — an increase of $212 million over the current fiscal year — with a focus on lowering the cost of housing and enhancing the state’s economic competitiveness.

The fiscal 2025-29 plan updates the governor’s first five-year capital investment plan, which was released last June. The plan is a roadmap for allocating funds that are approved in various borrowing and spending laws.

The 2025-29 plan includes a new MBTA Communities Catalyst Fund, funded with $15 million over three years, to provide support for infrastructure and housing projects in communities that are in compliance with the MBTA Communities Act (Section 3A of Chapter 40A).

The capital plan also directs new resources to housing production and preservation, the climate technology industry, decarbonization and climate resiliency. The plan maintains a commitment to established economic development programs, including the MassWorks program and climate-focused municipal support.

The plan calls for $2 billion for housing over the next five years, including $400 million in fiscal 2025 to produce or preserve 5,300 housing units and make significant investments in maintenance projects across the state’s 43,000-unit public housing portfolio. The plan dedicates $108 million in fiscal 2025 to continue HousingWorks, an $11 million increase.

The administration says its capital plan also reflects its commitment to economic competitiveness and meeting the state’s climate goals.

Through fiscal 2029, the plan would invest nearly $1.4 billion in the Executive Office of Economic Development, including more than $23 million in new capital spending in fiscal 2025 to expand tech-focused sectors and bring new jobs and development to Massachusetts. This includes $10 million for climate technology to act on some of the ideas put forth in the economic development plan published last December: “Team Massachusetts: Leading Future Generations.”

Over five years, the capital plan would put $1.56 billion into programs designed to protect and preserve the environment and prepare the state and its cities and towns to confront the effects of climate change. That includes a doubling of support, to $24 million in fiscal 2025, for the ResilientMass Plan — the state’s blueprint for ensuring Massachusetts is prepared to withstand, recover and adapt to natural hazard events.

The plan also upholds the administration’s financial commitment to replace the bridges to Cape Cod.

The plan calls for $1.02 billion over five years for the Chapter 90 local road and bridge program and $75 million over five years for the Municipal Small Bridge program.
