The Nancy Galkowski Legacy Leadership Fund is accepting applications for its spring/summer awards.

Nancy Galkowski served a 35-year career in municipal management in Massachusetts, with a passion for mentoring younger managers and being of service to all of her peers. Following her death in February 2013, her colleagues in the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association established a fund to honor her memory and continue her legacy.

Applicants may use the funds to further their professional development on their path to a career in municipal management. Awards have been made in the past for International City/County Management Association trainings and conferences, specialized topical training, the MMA-Suffolk Finance Certificate Program and the MMA Annual Meeting.

Danvers Assistant Human Resources Director Julianny Vittini received an award in 2021.

“The Galkowski Scholarship provided me with the opportunity to register for an HR course with North Shore Community College,” she said. “In this course, I learned communication skills, recruitment strategies, employee engagement, performance evaluations and more. Additionally, this course focused on helping students prepare for the SHRM certification test, for which I am registered to take at the end of this year.

“All the information I learned was very valuable, as I was new to municipal government and the HR field,” Vittini added. “The knowledge I gained from this course has helped me increase employee engagement in the organization, develop new policies, and increase diversity in our workforce.

“I strongly encourage municipal employees to apply to the Galkowski Legacy Funds and further their career.”

Applicants do not need to be a member of the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association. The application deadline is May 31.

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