Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Bridgewater Town Manager Michael Dutton
The Massachusetts Municipal Management Association will host a “Form of Government FAQ” webinar for all MMA members on Nov. 29 from noon to 1 p.m.
Speakers will include:
• Bridgewater Town Manager Michael Dutton, chair of the MMMA’s Form of Government Committee
• Sudbury Town Manager Andy Sheehan
• Amherst Town Manager Paul Bockelman
• Retired Town Manager Julie Jacobson
• Zack Blake, chief of the Division of Local Services’ Financial Management Resource Bureau
• Kenneth Woodland, chief of the DLS’s Municipal Finance Law Bureau
The webinar will focus on common questions asked during a charter review or government study process, including CEO titles (primarily town manager and town administrator).
Speakers will discuss the positions that are often under consideration for changing from elected to appointed: town clerk, treasurer/collector, planning board, and assessor.
The legal process for charter change will be reviewed, along with resources to assist communities.