U.S. Sen. Ed Markey speaks about the American Rescue Plan Act and other federal programs during a Feb. 1 MMA webinar on the U.S. Treasury Department’s Final Rule for ARPA. Other speakers were Heath Fahle, special director for federal funds at the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, and Sean Cronin, senior deputy commissioner at the Division of Local Services.

During a one-hour webinar today hosted by the MMA, U.S. Sen. Ed Markey and officials from the Executive Office for Administration and Finance explained changes in the U.S. Treasury Department’s Final Rule for the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund under the American Rescue Plan Act.

Markey spoke about the positive impact that ARPA is having on cities and towns throughout the Commonwealth and the nation, as municipal officials respond to the unique needs in each community. Markey also highlighted his partnership with Sen. Elizabeth Warren and the Massachusetts congressional delegation, an advocacy collaboration that resulted in the Treasury expanding eligible uses for ARPA funds.

Heath Fahle, director for federal funds at the Executive Office for Administration and Finance, gave a detailed explanation of the Treasury’s Final Rule, specifically regarding a new standard allowance of $10 million for revenue loss calculation, as well as broader definitions for the other three categories of eligible expenses.

Answering numerous questions from participants were Fahle, Sean Cronin, senior deputy commissioner at the Division of Local Services, and Brendan Sweeney, assistant director for federal funds at the Executive Office for Administration and Finance.

ARPA Final Rule webinar presentation (slide deck, PDF file)
• Link to Treasury’s Final Rule for use of Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds
• Link to Treasury’s Overview of the Final Rule
Treasury’s CSLFRF Frequently Asked Questions document (PDF, updated January 2022)
Division of Local Services bulletin with guidance for appropriating funds at the local level
MMA Federal Funds Resources page

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