The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 1 is planning to issue a draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Potable Water Facilities General Permit on or about Feb. 20 and will accept public comment for 60 days thereafter.

The EPA will host an informational webinar on Feb. 16 at 2 p.m. about the draft Potable Water Facilities General Permit.

A Potable Water Facilities General Permit authorizes the discharge of a specified amount of pollutants into U.S. waters. Multiple facilities in a given region with similar operations are issued a general permit that sets uniform requirements to cover these facilities. These permits expire after five years and are then reissued through a public process.

A copy of the Draft General Permit and related documents are available on the EPA’s website.

The public comment period for the draft permit is scheduled for Feb. 20 through April 20.

Written comments may be sent to or Nathan Chien, U.S. EPA Region 1, 5 Post Office Square, Suite 100, Boston, MA 02109.
Additional information about the webinar and draft permit
List of affected municipalities

Feb. 16 webinar details
Interested parties may join the Feb. 16 webinar through the following links and numbers:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Click here to join the meeting on a computer, mobile app or room device
Meeting ID: 248 710 232 993
Passcode: wJzB5d
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only): +1 857-299-6148,,524035184# United States, Boston
Phone Conference ID: 524 035 184#
