Town of


365 Boston Road Billerica, MA 01821
Phone: 978-671-0942

Interim Town Manager:

Clancy Main

Select Board:

John Burrows
Kimberly Conway
Dina Favreau
Mike Riley
Michael Rosa

Annual Town Meeting:

May 6, 2025
May, 1st Tuesday

Municipal Election:

April 5, 2025
April, 1st Saturday; If the first Saturday in April falls on the first day of Passover or the day before Easter, the annual Town Election shall automatically be moved to the second Saturday in April.


Population Density1,621
Registered Voters30,523
Income Per Capita$46,050
EQV Per Capita$218,234
Owner-occupied Housing Unit Rate78.2%
Median Value of Owner-occupied Housing Units$519,200
Median Gross Rent$1,988
Total Households15,468
Average Household Size2.63

Municipal Finances

Residential Tax Rate$11.87
Commercial Tax Rate$26.45
Average Tax Bill$6,520
Total Expenditures$155,767,277
Total Tax Levy$145,003,356
State Aid$27,585,698
Local Receipts$13,440,000
CPA Year Enacted2016
CPA Surcharge1.0%
CPA ExemptionsLow income, first $100,000 - residential, first $100,000 - commercial
Town Hall of Billerica

Town Hall

Wants you To KNOW

Incorporated in 1655 and located 20 miles northwest of Boston, Billerica is known for its Yankee Doodle Homecoming Weekend in September, which celebrates Billerica patriot Thomas Ditson, who is believed to have inspired the classic American song, “Yankee Doodle Dandy.”


Form of GovernmentSelect Board – Town Meeting
Incorporation Date1655
Chief Municipal OfficialTown Manager
Policy BoardSelect Board
Size of Policy Board5
Legislative BodyRepresentative Town Meeting
Size of Representative Town Meeting240


Area25.6 mi2
Public Roads228.1 mi
Regional Planning AgencyNorthern Middlesex Council of Governments


U.S. Senate (statewide)

Edward J. Markey
Elizabeth Warren

U.S. House

Seth Moulton
Lori Trahan

Mass. Senate

Cindy Friedman

Mass. House

Marc Lombardo

Income Per Capita

See All Stats + Map
MunicipalityParam NameOrder

MA Representative for:
