Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Honorable Anne M. Gobi, House Chair
The Honorable Marc R. Pacheco, Senate Chair
Joint Committee on Public Service
State House,
Dear Representative Gobi, Senator Pacheco and Members of the Committee:
On behalf of the cities and towns of the Commonwealth, the Massachusetts Municipal Association would like to offer our strong support on H. 757, filed by Representative Jason Lewis. This legislation would amend the Pesticide Control Act to allow municipal and seasonal workers to apply of larvicides to catch basins. Stagnant water in catch basins is a significant breeding ground for mosquitos, especially in hot dry weather. This life-saving legislation is critical to control mosquitos and prevent the spread of West Nile Virus (WNV).
The MMA urges swift action on this important piece of legislation, which is critical to public health and safety, in time for this year’s mosquito season.
This legislation allows municipal employees who are not professional pesticide applicators, such as department of public works employees and seasonal workers, to obtain special limited permits that allow for the limited application of larvicides only to storm drains and catch basins. Currently, municipal and seasonal workers must pass a professional pesticide applicator’s exam, which is 400 pages and covers a vast amount of material not relevant to mosquito control. Municipal costs will be lower and the process will be simpler and more efficient if workers do not have to obtain a professional pesticide license.
According to the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Commission, 33 Massachusetts residents contracted WNV in 2012. One of those cases was fatal. Having municipal workers on hand to treat the hundreds or even thousands of catch basins in a given community is essential for controlling the spread of this dangerous virus.
From 2001- 2009, the Division of Crop and Pest Services allowed a West Nile Virus Permit Program on an emergency basis. Now that WNV is considered an epidemic in the Commonwealth, an emergency permit program is no longer available, thus the need for permanent legislation.
Thank you for your attention to this timely and important local government matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact MMA Legislative Analyst Tom Philbin at (617) 426-7272.
Geoffrey C. Beckwith
Executive Director, MMA