The MMA is pleased to announce the return of the annual statewide Eighth Grade Essay Contest.

The contest was created to raise awareness among students, as well as encourage students to have an active interest in their hometown government.

Eighth grade students will write about a political or community issue that impacts the people of their city or town. They will describe what they would do as an elected leader of their city or town to bring positive change within their community regarding the issue.

Municipal associations across the country report that student participation in similar contests is greater in communities where local officials have been in direct contact with schools. Winners usually come from classes where local officials have visited and discussed municipal government.

The MMA invites 8th grade students in your community to participate in this year’s essay contest. We are asking that the CMO complete the commitment form, found below, giving the MMA permission to contact the schools in your community to invite them to participate. Participation by your schools is optional. Please complete the form by Monday, Feb. 25.

Participation is open to every eighth grade student enrolled in a Massachusetts public school. Cash prizes will be awarded for first, second and third place. The first-place winner will also be invited to attend the Municipal Month celebration at the State House in May.

For more information, contact contest coordinator Alandra Champion at (617) 426-7272, ext. 121, or

8th Grade Essay Contest rules (130K PDF)
Letter to Chief Municipal Officials (212K PDF)
