The main MMA phone number is 617-426-7272. To send an email to a staff member, use this formula: firstinitial(nospace)lastname at mma dot org.

Leadership Team

ext. 101

Adam Chapdelaine

ext. 101
Executive Director & CEO, MMA; President & CEO, MIIA
ext 244

Stanley Corcoran

ext 244
Senior Executive and MIIA Executive Vice President
ext 111
Finance, operations, contract management, MMA-Suffolk programs, MunEnergy program; lead for MMA Administration and Finance team

Katie McCue

ext 111
Deputy Executive Director
Finance, operations, contract management, MMA-Suffolk programs, MunEnergy program; lead for MMA Administration and Finance team
ext 268

Chris Bailey

ext 268
MIIA Health Benefits Trust Director
ext 252

Anne Carlson

ext 252
MIIA Director of Administration & Financial Controller
ext 112

Jillian Harvey

ext 112
Chief Equity Officer
ext 122
Labor relations, collective bargaining, civil service, employment laws, health care and insurance, human resources, pensions and OPEB, veterans’ benefits, workplace anti-discrimination, workplace safety, cannabis (workplace); staff for MMA Policy Committee on Personnel and Labor Relations

David Koffman

ext 122
Senior Executive and Legislative Director
Labor relations, collective bargaining, civil service, employment laws, health care and insurance, human resources, pensions and OPEB, veterans’ benefits, workplace anti-discrimination, workplace safety, cannabis (workplace); staff for MMA Policy Committee on Personnel and Labor Relations
ext 134
Management of The Beacon, MMA website, Mass Municipal Data Hub, MMA's social media, MSA Handbook and other projects; external communications; media relations

John Ouellette

ext 134
Senior Executive and Director of Communications
Management of The Beacon, MMA website, Mass Municipal Data Hub, MMA's social media, MSA Handbook and other projects; external communications; media relations
ext 131
Member education, training and webinars; member relations and member program development; lead staff person for Massachusetts Mayors’ Association, Massachusetts Municipal Communicators, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and programs

Candace Pierce

ext 131
Senior Executive and Director of Membership
Member education, training and webinars; member relations and member program development; lead staff person for Massachusetts Mayors’ Association, Massachusetts Municipal Communicators, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and programs

Administration & Finance Division

ext 111
Finance, operations, contract management, MMA-Suffolk programs, MunEnergy program; lead for MMA Administration and Finance team

Katie McCue

ext 111
Deputy Executive Director
Finance, operations, contract management, MMA-Suffolk programs, MunEnergy program; lead for MMA Administration and Finance team
ext 142
Information systems support, cybersecurity management

Scott Anderson

ext 142
Chief Information Officer
Information systems support, cybersecurity management
ext 155
Accounts payable, accounts receivable, billing, payroll administration, budget and audit preparation

Mary Blank

ext 155
Senior Accountant & Payroll Administrator
Accounts payable, accounts receivable, billing, payroll administration, budget and audit preparation
ext 240
Database management

Amanda Brangwynne

ext 240
Database Administrator
Database management
ext 108
Support to the MMA’s senior team, special projects

Courtney Butler

ext 108
MMA Executive Assistant
Support to the MMA’s senior team, special projects
ext 100
Office management

Elanienne Coste

ext 100
Receptionist and Administrative Assistant
Office management
ext 172
Special projects, human resources support, MMA-Suffolk programs, general accounting support, office management

Kate Evarts

ext 172
Operations and Special Projects Manager
Special projects, human resources support, MMA-Suffolk programs, general accounting support, office management
ext 171
Accounts receivable and general accounting support

Joan Jordan

ext 171
Accounts receivable and general accounting support
ext 106
Annual Meeting; conference, event and meeting planning across MMA and MIIA

Timmery Kuck

ext 106
Conference and Meeting Manager
Annual Meeting; conference, event and meeting planning across MMA and MIIA
ext 154
MMA Trade Show and related programs, partner program

Karen LaPointe

ext 154
Advertising and Trade Show Manager
MMA Trade Show and related programs, partner program
ext 109
Human resources management, benefits administration

Melissa Pimentel

ext 109
Human Resources Manager
Human resources management, benefits administration
ext 152

Lisa Stevens-Goodnight

ext 152
Tobacco Control Director

Communications Division

ext 134
Management of The Beacon, MMA website, Mass Municipal Data Hub, MMA's social media, MSA Handbook and other projects; external communications; media relations

John Ouellette

ext 134
Senior Executive and Director of Communications
Management of The Beacon, MMA website, Mass Municipal Data Hub, MMA's social media, MSA Handbook and other projects; external communications; media relations
ext 110
Editorial and production assistance for MMA publications, MMA website, social media

Meredith Gabrilska

ext 110
Digital Communications Specialist
Editorial and production assistance for MMA publications, MMA website, social media
ext 147
Editorial and production responsibilities for MMA publications and Mass Municipal Data Hub

Jennifer Kavanaugh

ext 147
Associate Editor
Editorial and production responsibilities for MMA publications and Mass Municipal Data Hub
ext 135

Owen Page

ext 135
Communications Coordinator

Legislative Division

ext 122
Labor relations, collective bargaining, civil service, employment laws, health care and insurance, human resources, pensions and OPEB, veterans’ benefits, workplace anti-discrimination, workplace safety, cannabis (workplace); staff for MMA Policy Committee on Personnel and Labor Relations

David Koffman

ext 122
Senior Executive and Legislative Director
Labor relations, collective bargaining, civil service, employment laws, health care and insurance, human resources, pensions and OPEB, veterans’ benefits, workplace anti-discrimination, workplace safety, cannabis (workplace); staff for MMA Policy Committee on Personnel and Labor Relations
ext 161
Environment, climate change, energy; staff for MMA Policy Committee on Energy and the Environment

Josie Ahlberg

ext 161
Legislative Analyst
Environment, climate change, energy; staff for MMA Policy Committee on Energy and the Environment
ext 124
Economic development, housing production, licensing, local government administration, planning and zoning, cannabis (zoning and regulation), procurement and construction, public health, open meeting law, public records law, licensing, telecommunications; staff for the MMA Policy Committee on Municipal and Regional Administration

Ali DiMatteo

ext 124
Legislative Analyst
Economic development, housing production, licensing, local government administration, planning and zoning, cannabis (zoning and regulation), procurement and construction, public health, open meeting law, public records law, licensing, telecommunications; staff for the MMA Policy Committee on Municipal and Regional Administration
ext 123
Budget and fiscal analysis, taxation, local aid, school finance; staff for the MMA Fiscal Policy Committee

Jackie Lavender Bird

ext 123
Deputy Legislative Director
Budget and fiscal analysis, taxation, local aid, school finance; staff for the MMA Fiscal Policy Committee
ext 127
Transportation, public works, utilities; staff for the MMA Policy Committee on Public Works, Transportation and Public Utilities

Adrienne Núñez

ext 127
Legislative Analyst
Transportation, public works, utilities; staff for the MMA Policy Committee on Public Works, Transportation and Public Utilities
ext 125
Support for Legislative Services, Annual Meeting awards programs

Daniel Yi

ext 125
Research and Project Assistant
Support for Legislative Services, Annual Meeting awards programs

Membership Division

ext 131
Member education, training and webinars; member relations and member program development; lead staff person for Massachusetts Mayors’ Association, Massachusetts Municipal Communicators, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and programs

Candace Pierce

ext 131
Senior Executive and Director of Membership
Member education, training and webinars; member relations and member program development; lead staff person for Massachusetts Mayors’ Association, Massachusetts Municipal Communicators, and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee and programs
ext 105
Staff for Massachusetts Municipal Management Association, Massachusetts Municipal Councillors’ Association, and Association of Town Finance Committees, inquiry research and response, education outreach services

Denise Baker

ext 105
Senior Member Program Coordinator
Staff for Massachusetts Municipal Management Association, Massachusetts Municipal Councillors’ Association, and Association of Town Finance Committees, inquiry research and response, education outreach services
ext 104
Staff for Massachusetts Select Board Association, Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources, and Women Elected Municipal Officials, inquiry research and response, educational outreach services, special services

Anneke Craig

ext 104
Member Program Coordinator
Staff for Massachusetts Select Board Association, Massachusetts Municipal Human Resources, and Women Elected Municipal Officials, inquiry research and response, educational outreach services, special services
ext 148

Kristianna Lapierre

ext 148
Education and Training Coordinator
ext 107

Maddie Roberts

ext 107
Membership and Project Assistant

Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA)

ext 244

Stanley Corcoran

ext 244
Senior Executive and MIIA Executive Vice President


ext 255

Martin Jackson

ext 255
Director of Finance & Accounting
ext 263

Pam Christie

ext 263
Accounting Manager
ext 267

Gail Cummings

ext 267
Administrative Assistant and Bookkeeper
ext 247

Pranav George

ext 247
MIIA Staff Accountant
ext 256

Greg McGrath

ext 256
Assistant Controller
ext 288

Mary Thornton

ext 288
Senior Staff Accountant
ext 276

George Varughese

ext 276
Senior Accountant
ext 296

Jeremy Wong

ext 296
Senior Staff Accountant

Health Benefits Trust

ext 268

Chris Bailey

ext 268
MIIA Health Benefits Trust Director
ext 261

Yasmin Melara

ext 261
Health Benefits Trust Operations Manager
ext 274

Anjanique Allison

ext 274
Enrollment and Eligibility Representative
ext 279

Shanti Balram

ext 279
Enrollment and Eligibility Representative
ext 270

Elizabeth Berner

ext 270
Worksite Wellness Mind-Body Specialist
ext 264

Kawanda Boyd

ext 264
Manager of Retiree Programs
ext 231

Andrea Cannata-Vinciarelli

ext 231
Health Benefits Trust Assistant Trainer
ext 260

Maria Carney

ext 260
Enrollment and Eligibility Representative
ext 230

Christine Chouinard

ext 230
Wellness Program Analyst
ext 202

Emily Coderre

ext 202
Wellness Representative
ext 201

Barbara Deveau

ext 201
Retiree and Medicare Specialist
ext 203

Lauren Faro Griffin

ext 203
Wellness Representative
ext 278

Mary Harrington

ext 278
Wellness Operations Coordinator
ext 232

Courtney Hernandez

ext 232
Wellness Manager
ext 246

Matt Johnson

ext 246
Senior Retiree Specialist
ext 243

Steven Keplin

ext 243
Assistant Operations Manager
ext 233

Lori Lambert-Osburn

ext 233
Wellness Representative
ext 234

Meera Mathur

ext 234
Wellness Representative
ext 280

Carrie Milardo

ext 280
Wellness Program Engagement Specialist
ext 258

Eddie Montagna

ext 258
Health Trust Database and IT Coordinator
ext 273

Michelle Nerino-Roth

ext 273
Health Benefits Trust Trainer
ext 271

Joe Santeusanio

ext 271
System Support Specialist
ext 266

Sandy Sarni

ext 266
Disease Prevention and Nutrition Manager
ext 208

Jayne Schmitz

ext 208
Wellness Project Manager
ext 257

Samuel Trafidlo

ext 257
Retiree & Medicare Specialist
ext 269

Nicole Vartanian

ext 269
Wellness Representative
ext 251

Benjamin Wiley

ext 251
Enrollment and Eligibility Representative

Risk Management

Stephen Batchelder


David Bastien

MIIA Driving Instructor
ext 250

Lin Chabra

ext 250
Senior Manager of Risk Management
ext 265

Kimlee Lindgren

ext 265
Senior Risk Management Trainer
ext 262

Mary Ann Marino

ext 262
Risk Management Operations Coordinator


ext 252

Anne Carlson

ext 252
MIIA Director of Administration & Financial Controller
ext 253

Selina Alvelo

ext 253
Member Communication Specialist
ext 204

Karen DelGreco

ext 204
Marketing and Communications Manager
ext 259

Neal Makowski

ext 259
IT Manager and Senior Business Analyst
ext 281

John Manning

ext 281
Senior IT Consultant
ext 248

Tricia Vigeant

ext 248