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On Nov. 22, the Department of Public Health released a list of 100 registered medical marijuana dispensary applicants who submitted a Phase 2 application and a $30,000 application fee.
The list includes the name of the nonprofit seeking to open the dispensary and the municipality and county in which each has proposed to open a dispensary or cultivation location.
There are applicants seeking to open a registered marijuana dispensary in every county. Under the law establishing the state’s medical marijuana program, there must be at least one registered marijuana dispensary per county, but no more than five in any county and no more than 35 statewide.
The department will consider the geographic distribution of applications in making their licensing decisions.
The 100 Phase 2 applicants were drawn from a pool of 159 successful Phase 1 applicants, each of whom was invited to proceed to the second round. The department received 181 applications in total in Phase 1, but 22 applicants failed to meet preliminary screening standards and were not invited to proceed.
The Department of Public Health is scheduled to announce the successful applicants on Jan. 31. Those applicants will receive a provisional license and must then pay an annual fee of $50,000 to the state to maintain the registered marijuana dispensary license. Dispensaries will open only after all requirements imposed under state and local regulations are met.
For more information, visit www.mass.gov/medicalmarijuana.
• Download list of applicants, sorted alphabetically by community (81K Excel)
• Download alphabetical list of applicants, with community (76K Excel)
• Download list of applicants, sorted by county (45K Excel)