Attorneys Lauren Goldberg, left, and Janelle Austin led an MMA webinar reviewing the state’s public records and open meeting laws on March 19.

Attorneys from KP Law led an MMA webinar reviewing the state’s public records and open meeting laws on March 19.

Attorney Lauren Goldberg said these “sunshine laws” exist in virtually every state in order “to eliminate the secrecy surrounding deliberations and decisions on which public policy is based, and to ensure government transparency.”

She outlined four primary considerations under the open meeting law: advance notice to the public, the nature of the meeting, the conduct of meetings, and meeting minutes.
Goldberg reminded attendees to reserve email for scheduling and distribution of materials, not for sharing comments or opinions.

She also discussed executive sessions, which allow officials to discuss sensitive matters — such as litigation, strategy for negotiations, or applicants for employment — out of public view, as long as they follow certain rules.

The webinar also covered best practices for using social media, with public officials advised to be cautious about using it for public business.

Attorney Janelle Austin reviewed the public records law, offering a definition of what constitutes a public record and some best practices. Common exceptions to the law include personal contact information, information about ongoing investigations, privacy concerns, and exemptions from disclosure by statute.

Goldberg and Austin moderated 30 minutes of questions and answers, addressing inquiries regarding meeting minutes, quorums and social media posts.

Navigating Public Records and Open Meeting Laws presentation (1.5M PDF)

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