Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
The Department of Public Utilities and Department of Telecommunications and Cable are seeking input from stakeholders about utility poles and their rights of way.
The input will inform forthcoming regulations intended to support activities advancing clean energy initiatives and broadband expansion. An order from the departments, D.P.U. 25-10/D.T.C. 25-1, states that such investments will require timely access and upgrades to a multitude of utility poles and underground ducts and conduit.
The departments are seeking input and data related to the range of processes and policies that govern access to utility poles and rights of way, including engagement between utility companies, pole owners, and local governments. Comments provided to the DPU and DTC will help the departments draft regulations affecting utility poles and right of way access and practices.
The deadline for comments is March 18 at 5 p.m.
The MMA intends to submit comments on behalf of cities and towns, but individual replies are also encouraged. To help the MMA prepare, local leaders are asked to fill out an MMA survey by the end of the day on March 5.
For more information about the DPU/DTC notice, contact Kerri DeYoung Phillips or Scott Seigal, hearing officers at the Department of Public Utilities, at kerri.phillips@mass.gov or scott.seigal@mass.gov, or William Bendetson, hearing officer at the Department of Telecommunications and Cable, at william.bendetson@mass.gov.
For more about the MMA’s work on this issue, contact Legislative Analyst Adrienne Núñez at ANunez@mma.org.