Who is a member?
Our members are the local governments of Massachusetts and their elected and appointed leadership.
Auburn, MA (16,820 pop.), is seeking a Town Manager who will provide exemplary leadership to the organization and have strong communications with, and work collaboratively with, all community stakeholders. The Town Manager must be a team builder, with exceptional personnel management and project management skills, superior financial planning and budgeting skills, and ability to build consensus. Auburn is a vibrant, well-run, fiscally stable community, 46 miles west of downtown Boston. Auburn has Select Board-Town Manager form of government with representative Town Meeting, an AA+ rating, and FY25 budget of $84.45M. Preferred candidates will have an advanced degree, preferably in public administration or a related field and experience as a Town Manager/Administrator or Assistant Town Manager/Administrator. Preferred candidates must be forward thinking, strategic planners, community oriented, and creative problem solvers.
Annual salary: $205K+/- DOQ. AA/EOE.
Send résumé and cover letter in a single PDF via email, in confidence, by 3 p.m., March 21, Subject: Auburn Town Manager to: Apply@CommunityParadigm.com.
For additional information, visit www.CommunityParadigm.com or contact John Petrin, Senior Associate, Community Paradigm Associates at JPetrin@CommunityParadigm.com.