Dear Representative,

We are writing to express our deep appreciation for the many provisions included in the recent climate proposal from the House Ways & Means Committee addressing clean energy. This bill reflects an incredible legislative effort to protect our environment and meet our climate goals and incorporate feedback from Massachusetts communities from the Berkshires to Cape Cod.

We are grateful to Speaker Mariano, Chair Michlewitz, Chair Roy and so many others for their thoughtful work on this proposal and for moving it forward for debate today.

Following last legislative session’s comprehensive climate bill, we have continued to hear a resounding message from our local officials across the Commonwealth: cities and towns are eager to take climate action. Whether protecting wetlands and forested lands, expediting clean energy infrastructure (CEI) projects, or investing in electric vehicles and charging stations — cities and towns are vital partners in our clean energy future.

H. 4876 works to ensure that the Commonwealth is on track to meet our clean energy and climate goals. We applaud you for the many provisions that are poised to make a significant positive impact in that effort:

• The establishment of a site suitability methodology to avoid, minimize, or mitigate social and environmental impacts of CEI siting.
• The establishment of a public participation office with support for intervenors and community engagement.
• The appointment of municipal representation on the Energy Facilities Siting Board.
• The provision of guidance on community benefit agreements to support municipalities with model language and practice as they consider permit application impacts, community needs, and navigate CBA processes.
• The creation and maintenance of a new clean energy infrastructure dashboard, which will provide necessary information for residents and local governments.

Building on these initiatives are several amendments that amplify our shared clean energy mission while protecting the important authority of local government as vital partners in this work. We welcome the opportunity to offer our support and insights on proposed amendments during your deliberations this week:

Amendment #96 (Local Option Consolidated Permitting Process)
Please support and co-sponsor this amendment filed by Rep. Saunders providing an option for communities to adopt the local consolidated permitting process. This measure would provide for an on-ramp to consolidated local permitting for small clean energy infrastructure, enabling communities to support streamlined clean energy development as soon as they are ready. Rather than mandating each community utilize the proposed permitting process within a rigid time frame, a local option consolidated permitting process will take shape with early adopters, followed by many other communities once local officials can get the necessary buy-in from residents with the proven benefits. This model has been extremely successful with Green Communities and many other programs.

Amendment #55 (Deadline Relief)
Please support and co-sponsor this amendment filed by Rep. Blais regarding deadline relief for municipal projects subject to constructive approvals. Under the proposed local consolidated permitting process, small clean energy infrastructure projects that are not approved or denied by a municipality within 12 months of submitting a complete application will be automatically approved. This amendment will provide an important safeguard when certain circumstances prevent a local government from having the necessary time to make a decision on a small CEI permit application, despite operating in good faith.

Amendment #75 (Municipal Participation)
Please support and co-sponsor this amendment filed by Rep. Domb regarding the 12 month constructive approval deadline for small clean energy projects. This amendment ensures that the 12 month deadline for local approvals does not begin until a municipality deems an application complete.

Amendment #94 (Municipal Permit Timing Safety Valve)
Please support and co-sponsor this amendment filed by Rep. Saunders providing support to communities in the event that more than half of approvals in a community in a two year period are granted through constructive approval. This amendment helps to ensure municipalities are provided support from state agencies to address any challenges at the ground level that may surface related to timely review of clean energy projects at the local level.

The legislation before you is a bold step in the direction of a clean energy future. We applaud you for the tremendous legislative effort propelling this forward and urge you to consider the many implications for cities and towns as you cast your final votes. With your partnership, municipalities are eager to make progress towards our ambitious climate and clean energy goals in ways that compliment the mission of local governments: to serve and protect residents, and represent the interests of the public through good governance.

Many thanks to each of you for your ongoing support for cities and towns and care for the municipal implications of these issues. The Massachusetts Municipal Association remains committed to help communities achieve local climate goals and we thank you for your strong partnership in enabling cities and towns to take the steps necessary for each individual community.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to have your office contact me, MMA Legislative Analyst Josie Ahlberg at, or Legislative Analyst Adrienne Núñez at at any time.


Adam Chapdelaine
MMA Executive Director & CEO
