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The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection is soliciting project proposals for the Clean and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan program through Aug. 12 at noon.
The 2023 financing round for drinking water construction projects will prioritize proposals that focus on PFAS remediation and lead reduction.
Financing for clean water construction projects will prioritize the following:
• Financing, removal or abatement of combined sewer overflow discharges
• Stormwater planning to help communities comply with MS4 permits
• Projects that include green elements and innovative technologies that reduce energy consumption, conserve resources, produce renewable energy, or enhance climate resiliency
The selection process for clean water projects will use a revised ranking system similar to that used for drinking water projects. The system classifies projects into five tiers that help identify the most significant proposals to improve and protect water quality and public health in the Commonwealth.
Funding is also available for planning and assessment of existing water infrastructure, including cybersecurity, under the Asset Management Planning program.
Project Evaluation Forms for construction projects and asset management planning for the 2023 financing round may be submitted via MassDEP’s PEF portal.
MassDEP is also maintaining an open solicitation for the following projects, which do not require a Project Evaluation Form:
• Planning Projects: Upon publication of the Final 2023 Intended Use Plans, MassDEP will begin accepting loan applications on a rolling basis.
• PFAS Design Projects: Upon publication of the Final 2023 DWSRF IUP, MassDEP will accept, on a rolling basis, loan applications for the design phase of PFAS remediation projects.
• Lead service line planning loans with 100% loan forgiveness: MassDEP is accepting, on a rolling basis while funding is available, loan applications to complete lead service line inventories and replacement programs.
Communities with a Housing Choice designation are eligible for a discount of up to 0.5% on their SRF interest rate from the standard rate of 2%.
Questions about the SRF programs may be sent to MassDEP Municipal Services Division Director Maria Pinaud at Maria.Pinaud@mass.gov.