On March 4, the Massachusetts Select Board Association’s first program meeting of the year will be held as a free webinar covering the local economic development grants made available through the Community One Stop for Growth program. The webinar is being co-sponsored by the Small Town Administrators of Massachusetts. 2021 was the inaugural year for…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association is hosting a free Zoom webinar to discuss how municipal leaders can create affordable housing in their towns. The affordable housing shortage is confronting municipalities across the Commonwealth, as demand continues to far outpace supply. Municipal officials are faced with the task of developing solutions that will work best for…
Wednesday – July 28 Noon–1 p.m. Topic: The Future of Public Meetings Jamie Hellen, Franklin Town Administrator Denise Dembkoski, Stow Town Administrator The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold its annual leadership conference as a webinar series for the second year in a row. The four-session series will be held on June 16 and 30…
Wednesday – July 14 Noon–1 p.m. Topic: Ask the Experts: Open Meeting/Public Records Laws and Municipal Finance Lauren Goldberg, Managing Partner, K.P. Law Sandy Pooler, Arlington Deputy Town Manager The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold its annual leadership conference as a webinar series for the second year in a row. The four-session series will…
Wednesday – June 30 Noon-1 p.m. Topic: Municipal Mental-Health Policing Initiatives Annabel Lane, LCSW, Brookline Police Department Crisis Intervention Team Lieutenant Jennifer Paster, Brookline Police Department Crisis Intervention Team Sergeant Chris Malinn, Brookline Police Department Crisis Intervention Team Chief John Paciorek, Jr., Deerfield Police Department Sergeant Jennifer Bartek, Deerfield Police Department The Massachusetts Select Board…
Wednesday – June 16 Noon–1 p.m. Topic: Municipal Policing Frederick Ryan, Retired Arlington Police Chief The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold its annual leadership conference as a webinar series for the second year in a row. The four-session series will be held on June 16 and 30 and July 14 and 28. All of…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association and the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association will co-host a free webinar to discuss codes of conduct for town boards and committees, as well as the rise in harassment claims being seen in town halls. The training will be led by attorney Regina Ryan of Discrimination and Harassment Solutions LLC. With…
Civil discourse in public meetings will be the topic of a Massachusetts Select Board Association free webinar on March 12 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Civil discourse is a key component of navigating through disagreements and keeping public meetings running smoothly. Jeff Nutting, a past president of the MMA who worked in local government for…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will elect new officers and discuss best practices for evaluating key municipal employees during its Annual Business Meeting via Zoom on Friday, Jan. 8, from 9 to 10:30 a.m. The business meeting will feature opening remarks from MSA President Katie Conlon and MMA Executive Director Geoff Beckwith, followed by a…
On Oct. 27, the Massachusetts Select Board Association will host a free virtual training covering best practices in hiring a town manager, one of the most important jobs for select boards across the state. The session, to be held from 9 to 10 a.m., will equip select board members with the knowledge and tools needed…