MMA and the MSA Board made the difficult decision to cancel this event due to low registration on Nov. 30. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Anneke Craig, MMA Member Program Coordinator, at or 617-426-7272 x104.
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold a free training for newly elected select board members on Friday, June 9, in Devens. Key topics will include municipal finance and budgeting, sources of state funding, the open meeting and public records laws, and collaborative decision making. A lunchtime discussion will provide an opportunity to hear from…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will host its third Western and Rural Massachusetts Municipal Conference on Saturday, April 1, in Holyoke. Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll will deliver a keynote address. The event will bring together regional stakeholders, including municipal officials, planning agencies and legislators, from Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire counties to address the challenges…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association’s first program meeting of the year will be a free webinar covering best practices for affordable housing trusts on March 17. The webinar will provide an overview of affordable housing trusts and examine best practices for communities using a trust, including an overview of some of the tools available to…
Housing and Economic Development Secretary Mike Kennealy will be the featured speaker at a Massachusetts Select Board Association webinar on Nov. 16 focused on funding sources for affordable housing initiatives. Kennealy will discuss municipal affordable housing initiatives, with a focus on the funding sources that are available to support local projects. There will be time…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will host a free webinar on Oct. 14 to discuss trends in municipal charter and bylaw changes. The Zoom session will be led by members of the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association’s Form of Government Committee, who will discuss common issues that lead to changes to or development of town charters…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will host a free Zoom webinar on Sept. 9 to review pertinent developments in the recently concluded legislative session. The MMA’s legislative team will explain legislation that is of particular interest to select board members and discuss what is on the horizon. Topics will include elections, the open meeting law,…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will hold a free training for newly elected select board members on Saturday, July 23, in Devens. Key topics will include municipal finance and budgeting, open meeting and public records laws, and collaborative decision making. A roundtable discussion will provide an opportunity to hear from veteran select board members about…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will host a free Zoom webinar on June 15 to discuss the technology and staffing required for municipalities to run successful virtual and hybrid meetings. Virtual and hybrid public meetings have allowed municipalities to continue operations during the pandemic, and have provided the additional benefit of enhanced equity in access,…
The Massachusetts Select Board Association will host its second Western Massachusetts Municipal Conference on Saturday, April 9, at Easthampton High School in Easthampton. The event will bring together regional stakeholders, including municipal officials, planning agencies and legislators from Berkshire, Franklin, Hampden and Hampshire counties, to address challenges facing the region. Conference goals are to promote…