Save the date for the next conference: January 22-24, 2026

MSA Annual Business Meeting

During its annual business meeting on Jan. 25, the Massachusetts Select Board Association will discuss stress management for elected public servants.

The meeting will be held during the MMA’s annual conference, Connect 351, at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, from 12 to 1:15 p.m.

MSA Interim President and Stoughton Select Board Member Debra Roberts will give opening remarks, followed by a report from the MSA Nominating Committee and a vote on the MSA Board of Directors slate for 2025.

Saturday’s keynote speaker at Connect 351, Matt Lehrman, co-founder of Social Prosperity Partners, will lead an interactive conversation on recognizing and managing the personal stress of civic leadership. The goal is to foster healthier leaders, promote inclusive and resilient communities, and create the conditions for more effective governance.

All Select Board members in Massachusetts are considered members of the MSA and are invited to attend the meeting, provided they are registered for Connect 351. Attendance at the meeting is limited to MSA members. Boxed lunches will be provided.
