MMA annual conference: January 23-25, 2025

MMA Annual Business Meeting

At the MMA’s Annual Business Meeting each January, local leaders from across Massachusetts engage in important policy discussions that help guide the work of the MMA in the coming year.

Among other agenda items, MMA members will consider one or more policy resolutions on key municipal issues. Each resolution is drafted by an MMA policy committee during the fall and approved by the MMA Board of Directors in November.

Once a resolution is approved by the MMA Board, it is posted here and published in the December issue of The Beacon. The policy committee that drafted each resolution will welcome member comments through the end of December so that committee members will be able to review any input before the Annual Business Meeting.

The 2024 MMA Annual Business Meeting was held on Saturday, Jan. 20.

Voting at the business meeting

Voting at the Annual Business Meeting is open to all municipal members of the MMA through voting delegates as defined by the MMA’s bylaws.

Individuals eligible to vote at the meeting are:
• In the case of a city, its chief executive or a councillor designated in writing by the chief executive
• In the case of a town, the chair of the select board or town council, or another select board member or councillor designated in writing by the chair, or the manager designated in writing by such chair

In early January, the MMA will be sending a letter about voting procedures to chief municipal officials in each community.

Those who will be voting on behalf of their community should visit the credentials table outside of the business meeting between 8:30 and 10 a.m. Only one voting card will be issued per member community.
